Triple Cooked Chips

Triple cooked Chips, yea they are extra effort but yes in my opinion it’s absolutely worth it. How many places have you been to and had bad chips, this is how you make good ones.

I use Maris Piper potatoes, Agria and Yukon Gold also work well. Oil needs to be neutral in flavour with a high smoke point vegetable or sunflower oil for example. You can use beef dripping if you’re super naughty. Made famous by Heston Blumenthal this is basically his method I didn’t make it up. People think this is a lot of work for a chip/fries however I would say three things.. it’s hardly any work time really and secondly they’re much nicer so it’s worth it, finally if it’s too much work you don’t have make them 🤷🏻‍♂️

1. Peel the potatoes and square them off saving the trim for something else like a soup.

2. Cut into even sized chips 2cm square roughly, length doesn’t really matter (lol)

3. Rinse in cold water then add to a pan of cold salted water and bring to a gentle boil for 10 mins until the chips are just fork tender.

4. Drain and dry on a wire rack uncovered in a fridge, when completely chilled they are ready for frying.

5. Heat the oil to 130c/260f drop the chips for 8 mins return to the rack and dry again in a fridge or a freezer. They can be kept at this stage ready to fry when you need them

6. heat the oil to 175c/350f and give them a further 4 mins

7. Sprinkle with sea salt and serve immediately

#series #potato #potatoes #cooking #reels


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