Chilli Oil Noodles

You’ll need

Noodle dough 

250g plain flour

125ml water

1/2 tsp salt


Chilli oil topping

1 garlic clove finely sliced

2 spring onion finely sliced

1 tbsp chilli flakes

1/2 tsp ground Sichuan pepper 

1/2 tsp salt

1/2 tsp sesame seeds

2 tbsp light soy

2 tbsp black vinegar

5-6 tbsp of veg oil

pak choi to serve


  1. To make the noodles, mix the dough ingredients together and knead until super smooth. This will take time and is needed otherwise you wont be able to create the stretch. Divide the dough into 8 cylinder type shapes rub with oil and cover to rest with cling film. The dough needs to rest for 2-4 hours.

  2. To stretch the lightly oil a rolling pin with your hand then press them out to stretching. Use a chopstick to create a groove in the centre of the now flat oblong dough, pick it up by each end and simultaneously slap on a clean surface while pulling slightly this should stretch the dough until very thin.

  3. Tear the central groove to leave 2 long flat noodles

  4. These noodles will cook in a matter of seconds in boiling water, you can also cook your pak choi in the same water

  5. Once cooked add to a bowl with the pak choi, top the noodles centrally with the chill oil topping apart from the oil which needs to be heated until just smoking.. carefully pour the hot oil over the other ingredients and stir through the noodles


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